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Creative artisans

Image above © 2020 permission granted by Hanna Hächler

Creative Challenges and Expressions

from Our Artisans


The Creative Ministries team want to offer you a challenge to extend your artisan talents!

We will post a regular activity, with a range of experiences that will be:


Interactive. explorative .reflective. contemplative. multi-sensory. challenging .extending. exciting and encouraging new language.


We encourage you to partner with Holy Spirit to awaken the creativity He’s placed in your DNA.


Let your creative genius emerge with flying colours! 






Image © 2020 permission granted by Clare Tomiczek

Lion of Judah


You are invited to continue our Gospel/Bible reflections using this painting by the artist Clare Tomiczek.


Yeshua/Jesus is depicted as the 'Lion of Judah' breaking through in Resurrection Victory!


1. a. What do you understand by Revelation 1:18?

1. b. What does that mean to you?


2. What do the symbols in this painting say to you?


3.  What do you see in His eyes? Revelation 1:14b.

Spinning Pottery Wheel

What's your response?


Maybe you can include this prayer with your own... 


ABBA Father, I'm willing for you to fashion my heart to be fully Yours--so that Your true image can be shown through my life. Show me how.

(Set to pottery and painting footage, 5 mins.)
Splattered Paint

What's your response?


Maybe you can include this prayer with your own... 


ABBA Father, I'm willing for you to fashion my heart to be fully Yours--so that Your true image can be shown through my life. Show me how.

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